It can be hard to tell with the warm weather and blue skies we’ve had lately in Minnesota, but fall is fast approaching. Pumpkin spice, scarves, cozy sweaters, and hot cocoa are all on their way. But along with the fun and cozy aspects of the season comes the...
Book Club Volunteer Apply today for a new way to get involved and share your love of reading with seniors! This fall, East Side Elders is re-launching a book club for seniors on the East Side. The Book Club Volunteer will be the lead on this project, with help from...
The following survey was created to measure satisfaction levels with services from East Side Elders. Please complete the following anonymous survey only if you have received services from East Side Elders.
At East Side Elders, we value and support the next generation of healthcare professionals. Nursing students, and other students pursuing a career in the healthcare field, have the opportunity to volunteer in our weekly Wellness Clinics. Students gain hands-on...
We hope you can join us for the next Elder Cafe! Join us on Thursday, September 14 from 12pm to 2pm for a fun and informative afternoon. After we all enjoy a delicious lunch, Jeff Long, US Postal Inspector, will provide information on things that show up in your...