Complementary-Alternative Modality Healer

Organizational Summary:

The Love Grows Here Wellness Center is a partnership between First Lutheran Church, Metropolitan State University and Dayton’s Bluff Seniors Living at Home Block Nurse Program. The Center is dedicated to provide community wellness to Dayton’s Bluff residents and the homeless community in Saint Paul’s East Side.

Primary Function:

Provide complimentary/alternative modality healing services at the Love Grows Here Wellness Center.  Time commitment:  Variable, approximately 3.5 hours per month, Thursday evenings


  • Basic level accreditation in a complimentary/alternative healing modality such Reiki, Acupuncture, Healing Touch, Qigong, Yoga, Massage Therapy or Chiropractic
  • Dependable, prompt, and able to maintain confidentiality
  • Able to receive coaching and provide coaching for the improvement of the Center
  • Willingness to accurately complete and turn in an evaluation on each person served


  • Complete a volunteer application
  • Communicate available hours to Rhonda Battisto
  • Notify Rhonda if there is a change in schedule or availability
  • Provide a healing session that would be comparable to their modality
  • Report to Rhonda any issues which occur during session (by phone, email, or in person)


  • Gain Experience in your healing modality
  • Be a member of the Love Grows Here Community
  • Transform lives through community wellness
  • Empower  people living with chronic illnesses
  • Learn about the needs of living life in transition and resources available
  • First Lutheran will provide space, cleaning supplies, and massage tables
  • Meal provided each week

If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Rhonda Battisto.

Telephone:   651-776-7210 ext. 303
