The East Side Café

Join us for Fun and Entertainment at the East Side Café

The East Side Café is held on the second Thursday of the month – join us to enjoy a delicious lunch, fun entertainment, and the chance to meet new friends!


January Virtual East Side Café

January Virtual East Side Café

Join us for this month's Virtual East Side Café! This month, we have a fun selection of videos from the HeartWise Project, a special edition of our free printable coloring book, and more!  Thank you to all of the volunteers who make the virtual café possible.  ...

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November Virtual East Side Cafe

November Virtual East Side Cafe

Join us for this month's Virtual East Side Cafe - opening November 12th! This month, we have a fun selection of videos from the HeartWise Project and a presentation from Jack Byers, the Executive Director of the Payne Phalen Community Council. We also have a fun and...

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October East Side Cafe

October East Side Cafe

Join us for this month's Virtual East Side Cafe - opening October 8th! This month, we have performances by Songs for Senior Citizens and the HeartWise Project. We also have a fun and festive activity sheet that includes a word search, word scramble, trivia, and...

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October East Side Cafe

September Virtual East Side Cafe

Join us for our first Virtual East Side Cafe!  On Thursday, September 10th, we present a variety of fun videos and activities to enjoy at your own pace.  Watch a cooking demonstration from East Side Table, learn more about the Southeast Community Organization, listen...

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April East Side Cafe – Are You Prepared?

April East Side Cafe – Are You Prepared?

Join us for the next East Side Cafe on April 9th!  After a delicious lunch, we will host a discussion on preparing for the future.  Our panel of experts will discuss creating a Back-Up Plan, explain what home care options are available, and encourage us all to...

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March Cafe:  Census and Bingo!

March Cafe: Census and Bingo!

  Enjoy a hearty meal, hear about the upcoming 2020 Census and what you need to do to be COUNTED, and then play BINGO with your friends!  We will be serving homemade shepherd's pie, followed by bread pudding - you won't want to miss it!  When: Thursday, March 12 from...

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